元件提供饮用水的全面水测试功能, ground and surface water, 整个北美的工业用水和废水测试, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and South Africa. 我们提供饮用水系统测试所需的分析结果和认证, site remediation, studies, routine monitoring, or individual projects.

水测试是公共和环境安全的基本要素,也是一项受严格监管条件约束的要求. By undertaking water analysis, 您可以将风险和潜在的破坏性影响降到最低, not only on public health but also on the environment.

We support you with testing, analysis, 以及风险管理服务,帮助您履行法律和监管责任,并确保测试符合预算, right first time, and results are produced as quickly as possible.


Our water testing laboratory services

Employing a stringent quality system, 我们的水检测实验室提供完整的饮用水分配解决方案,确保公共安全用水的质量. 


对农业用水进行家畜消费安全检测, contamination, 还有除草剂或杀虫剂以及灌溉的适宜性. 

我们的水质测试服务涵盖地下水和地表水. We test them for contamination, either as routine monitoring for landfills or up-stream, midstream, and downstream energy production. 我们还提供主动解决方案,通过分析化学参数和水中污染物对资产的影响,防止腐蚀的破坏性影响.


Our water analysis methods

Analysis methods are based on well-established, 国际公认的程序,如美国环境保护署(USEPA)和美国公共卫生协会(APHA)公布的程序.

我们的新加坡和马来西亚水测试实验室提供各种水测试, 包括检测不受欢迎的化学品和微生物剂的水污染. We test according to the required regulations, 如根据NEA/PUB要求进行废水测试(商业废水), drinking water/potable water testing 按PUB要求进行测试,并按NEA要求进行泳池水测试. 他们在检测新水(新加坡公用事业局专用的经过高度处理的再生废水)中的污染方面也有专长.

With laboratories throughout North America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and South Africa, 我们能够测试适用的方法和标准,以满足法规遵从性.


The Element advantage

In a sea of regulations, Element的专家随时可以帮助您导航到遵从性的路径, 并讨论和开发量身定制的监测和水分析方案,以满足您的确切需求. We actively assist with detailed analysis, provide sample containers, and provide guideline reporting.

我们的科学家在一系列分析实验室服务方面经验丰富,擅长应用先进技术提供准确的检测结果, 可靠的结果,帮助您满足您所在im体育平台app下载的所有相关法规. 

要了解更多im体育APP的水分析服务,或与我们的专家交谈, contact us today. 

Our Water Analysis Services

We offer comprehensive testing for all types of water. 

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Water Chemistry Testing

Element tests for chemical components of drinking water, wastewater, groundwater, and seawater to ensure it is safe, compliant and the environment is protected.

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Physical & Chemical Properties of Water


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PFAS Testing

PFAS Testing


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Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS)

Dioxins and Furans Testing

Element offers accredited analysis of Dioxins and Furans, and Dioxin-like PCBs for stack emissions, ash, vegetation, soils, and water samples.

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Wastewater Testing & Analysis

Element是您值得信赖的专业配水服务和废水分析合作伙伴, 提供高质量和准确的结果,帮助您满足法规要求.

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Drinking Water Analysis

Element的专家使用我们最先进的设备进行日常饮用水测试和分析,为环境顾问提供快速准确的结果, municipalities, and private businesses.

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Organics Testing in Water

Element的生态专家对水中的有机化合物进行分析, 帮助环境顾问测试地表水和油田场地水中的有机物.

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Hydrocarbon Testing

Hydrocarbon Testing

Element为环境顾问进行碳氢化合物测试和分析, the energy market, 市政当局要分析碳氢化合物的浓度,确保它符合监管准则.

Marine Sediments Analysis

Marine Sediment Analysis



Water Testing Kits for the Home

无论您是寻求内心的平静还是需要水质变化的答案, our water testing kits are here to help.

Metals Testing for Soil and Water

Metals Testing for Soil and Water


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Nutrient Testing in Water

我们最先进的实验室使用离子色谱法, nitrogen profiling, 并经硫酸消化,为水中养分检测提供快速准确的结果.

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Environmental Testing and Compliance Content

发现我们的环境思想领导内容,包括文章, white papers, case studies and FAQs.

Written by our industry experts, 我们探索了一系列与我们如何帮助客户遵守环境法规和维护安全运营相关的实验室和现场主题.


Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.